- We offer pet cremation services in Morris, NY
About Faithful Friends
We have always felt that pets are true members of our families, and we strive to offer a quiet and serene environment in which to memorialize them. Reach out today to learn more about our pet crematory.
- We offer pet cremation services in Morris, NY
About Faithful Friends
We have always felt that pets are true members of our families, and we strive to offer a quiet and serene environment in which to memorialize them. Reach out today to learn more about our pet crematory.

- Helping You Cherish Their Memory
Learn More About Faithful Friends In the NY Area

Faithful Friends Pet Crematory was founded in 2014 by Nanette (Nan) Johnston and her husband William (Ted) Johnston. The idea for this service was born of their devotion to their pets and an awareness of the need for pet owners to know and trust the caretakers of their beloved pets’ remains once they have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
Having grown up on a dairy farm in the New Berlin area, Nan has always found her love of animals to be a strong part of her daily life. She and Ted have brought many animals into their household, with several of their pets being rescues. Sam “I Am”, their rescued Shepherd Mix, and Gabby Gidget, their rescued collie Rhodesian ridgeback mix, both are a part of their fur legged family as well as Thomas, Ashes, and Linus, all rescued cats, who reside at the Faithful Friends building. They all love to greet people at the front door.
Meet our Cats!



After many years serving the Morris community and surrounding townships with their expertise in the day to day operations of the Johnson Funeral Home, and 25+ years of experience at the Hillington Cemetery, their focus is now on helping families with the loss of their beloved pets, whether they be companion animals, such as cats and dogs, or exotic pets, small farm animals, service dogs, and other small animals.